First names of the Mag Het Licht Aan Festival announced


First names of the Mag Het Licht Aan Festival announced

In addition to Sinan Can, Nazmiye Oral, Meral Polat, Boris van der Ham, Daan Roovers, Feico Deutekom, Nemr and Sheila Sitalsing will be present on July 7 during our Mag Het Licht Aan Festival!

After the success of two years ago, it is now up to the brand new Van Praag Prize winner Sinan Can to curate this event. And that promises something. The man with his extensive oeuvre who the jury (consisting of Andrée van Es, Bahram Sadeghi, Daan Roovers, Kris Sloot and Willemien van Aalst) praises for his working method: “he asks the difficult questions that need to be asked in closed worlds and thereby opens up the eyes of young and old”, has put us to work. At the festival you can expect a wide variety from Rumi, Sufism (he thinks humanism), philosophy, music, theater to poetry and a lot of love. Moreover, you can expect surprising things from the Humanist Alliance partners such as Human, Humanist Association, University for Humanistics, HVO Primair, Humanitas and Hivos.

Keep your diary free on July 7 to come to the Muziekgebouw aan het IJ in Amsterdam, or rather, buy your ticket immediately, because the first 200 enthusiasts can take advantage of the early bird discount and pay only 29 instead of 37.50. 50.

During the festival, Sinan Can receives the Van Praag Prize and hands out the encouragement prize to the 600 children who fall under the recent (and perhaps last) Children’s Pardon.

We will announce the rest of the program as soon as possible.

Picture of Famke

Ik ben Famke, een schrijfster die graag schrijft over het leven, onze samenleving en alles daartussenin. Volg mijn blogs voor een frisse blik op alledaagse thema's!

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